運河島_第八十一章 首頁

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Taming mobs for a certain number (15-50) of times

New elytra event

Collecting a small amount (10-50) of items (easy to obtain) in inventory

(Format credits to KierenBoal)

Monthly quests should be challenging and time consuming with a relatively high reward (60k each, 15 quest points). Some good options are:

“Breeding a Mob”

Increase the selling price of ores.

1.8 PvP

More Focus on the Resources Worlds

Purchasable Advertising Slots

“Visiting the Overworld”

Reduce farming profit (Or keep the profit as it is)

Destroying a certain number (200-700) of blocks

Add purchasable mob spawn eggs to /shop. They provide nice ways to get pets on plots. Price should be 100k each minimum so plot pets remain relatively rare and special. Pets should take time and effort to get. There should also be a limit on how many spawn eggs a player can buy in total, maybe 10.


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