攜美向仙_第七百八十二章 邀請函 首頁

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<span style="color: rgb(151, 72, 6);"><strong> 馬丁馬吉拉</strong></span>

<span style="color: rgb(151, 72, 6);"><strong>Dolce &amp; Gabbana 杜嘉班納</strong></span>

<span style="color: rgb(151, 72, 6);"><strong>Louis

<span style="color: rgb(151, 72, 6);"><strong>Prada 普拉達</strong></span>

<span style="color: rgb(151, 72, 6);"><strong>Kenzo 高田賢三</strong></span>

Dior Homme 2014秋冬男裝秀場聘請函上的鈴蘭花,揭露了新係列與花朵之間的密切關聯,而聞名作家、墨客歌德的名言,也被印製在本季的聘請函 上:“Superstition is the poetry of life, so that it does not injure thepoet to be superstitious”。

<span style="color: rgb(151, 72, 6);"><strong>Dior 迪奧</strong></span>

<span style="font-family: 宋體;"><strong><span style="font-family: 宋體;">○</span></strong></span>掃描下方二維碼


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